Our Favorite Things
Throughout the year, NPS finds unique ways to celebrate, play and learn. We also regularly welcome special guests from the Wesleyan and Middletown communities to expand our horizons. We welcome families to join us in our classrooms and share family traditions. Some of our events include family potlucks, parades, and our annual art show. Here is a sneak peek for you!
We celebrate Fire Safety week, including a preschool trip to the local fire station (the fire truck comes to NPS to visit the Infant & Toddler classroom).
Every year, the NPS community gathers on Halloween for a costume parade through campus, including songs and trick-or-treating at the President’s office.
Throughout the holiday season, we find ways to celebrate many different cultural traditions. Mrs. and Mr. Claus also make a visit!
We bring attention to Down syndrome by wearing mismatched socks for the day!
Undoubtedly a favorite day of the year, the Ice Cream Truck comes to visit during the summer!
The children (and teachers!) get to enjoy field trips to the Wesleyan University Observatory on a regular basis, where Astronomy Professor and parent Meredith Hughes provides a little lesson on outer space!
We love to celebrate one another at NPS, and birthdays are a great excuse for family to visit, show their love for their littles, and share special treats with the class!
We welcome families to join our day and share their talents with us.
A visit from our local firefighters. We learned about fire safety and got to get a tour of the firetruck.
A visit from the Middletown Police Department and Bear.
A special winter potluck event at the wesleyan skating rink to interact with our community and skate on the ice.
A visit to the biology department to learn about the hibernation of squirrels.
A compilation of the children's artwork over the school year is displayed in the Wesleyan Zilkha gallery in June each year.