Getting Involved
join the Board of Directors
The Neighborhood Preschool is an independent, non-profit, non-stock corporation. All parents of children using the school are members. NPS is governed by a Board of Directors composed of:
volunteer parents
the school director
a Wesleyan University representative
a staff representative
The Board serves as a policymaking, financial, and planning body. We also hire and oversee the position of the Director, who is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the school.
During the 2023-2024 year our regular board meetings will be announced through the parent listserv, parents are automatically added to the listserv upon registration at NPS. All parents are welcome to attend all board meetings. Time is reserved at the beginning of each meeting for visiting parent comments, questions, or concerns. Two meetings each year are specifically designated as general membership meetings. When the general membership meeting is in-person, it is held in the building and childcare and pizza are provided.
NPS Board 2023-2024 Roster
President – Katie Chesanek (Green Room Preschool)
Vice President – Kim Williams (Green Room Preschool)
Treasurer – Alex Kruckman (Green Room Preschool )
Secretary – Emma Czarnecki (Yellow Room I/T)
Wesleyan Representative – Christopher Olt
Director – Erin Brown
Assistant Director- Ashley Natale
Staff – Emma Arroyo
Members at Large
Ali Sweeney (Blue Room I/T)
Board Documents
Board By-Laws
Board Policies
Board Policies - Financial Hardship Addendum
We welcome parents at any time into the program. We hope some parents will choose to visit and share arts, crafts, music, dress, dance and stories from various heritages; such contributions are a real treat for both the children and staff.
find us on Facebook
NPS shares photos and information on its private Facebook page, specifically for current families and recent alums. Please submit a request to this group through this link.