
A Day In The Life of a Preschooler at NPS

A more regular pattern of events is provided for this age group, with ample time for children to choose their own activities within that structure. A typical sequence for the day involves:

  • Arrival: focus is on starting the day well, with attention for each family and child and help with adjusting to separation.

  • Independent play with access to small and gross motor areas, dramatic play, art materials, building, etc., as well as a hands-on project (arts and crafts, nature objects, puppets, etc.)

  • Clean up and snack time.

  • Circle time: Group sharing, song, story or thematic conversation, all designed to foster language development, listening skills, self- awareness and group identity, plus weekly dance and spanish classes.

  • Outdoor time in playground, or a walk

  • Lunch time

  • Nap/Rest time

  • Independent play, and snack

  • Self-directed quiet activities with adult help as needed, intended to help each child unwind at the end of a busy day

Our teachers are experienced and, in each of our three programs, at least one holds a degree in early childhood education. We have a ratio of 1:7, or often less, for our preschoolers.